루터의 두 얼굴
- The Two Faces of Luther -

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film_ 04_ the two faces of luther_ Posters

Director: Brad Kim
Editor: Hyunsoo Kim
Camera: Jong Hyuk Lee, Kangin Kim
Running Time: 90 min
Genre: Documentary

The Two Faces of Luther (2017)


The Anti-Semitic Side of Martin Luther
You Need to Know

Six million Jews were brutally massacred
during World War II during the Holocaust.

At the end of the war in 1946,
war criminals were held on trial in Nuremberg, Germany.
During these trials, German official Julius Streicher claims following
the instructions of Martin Luther is his only fault.

What exactly did Martin Luther write about the Jews?

How did this renowned hero of the Reformation
develop his anti-Semitic animosity and
how did he influence the infamous Adolf Hitler?

Get rid of all the Jews!
The fact that we never knew about Martin Luther and his anti-Semitism

  1. To burn down Jewish synagogues and schools and warn people against them
  2. To refuse to let Jews own houses among Christians
  3. For Jewish religious writings to be taken away
  4. For rabbis to be forbidden to preach
  5. To offer no protection to Jews on highways
  6. For usury to be prohibited and for all silver and gold to be removed, put aside for safekeeping
  7. To give young, strong Jews flail, axe, spade, and spindle, and let them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow

– On the Jews and Their Lies, the treatise of Martin Luther

Luther’s Reformation was mobilized in a number of military operations and resulted in so many conflicts that rocked the foundations of society.

Heinz Schilling

Professor at Humboldt University of Berlin

Luther exhorted anti-Semitic violence by stating Jewish synagogues and schools should be burnt down.
Veit Jakobus Dieterich
Professor of Religious Education at Ludwigsburg University in Germany
The discourse on Luther and the Jews is complicated. We see two contrary attitudes towards the Jews from Luther.
Aya Elyada
Professor of History at Hebrew University in Israel
Hitler and the Nazi party were looking for a historical basis that could support their views and they used Luther¡¯s book for this purpose.
Kirsi Stjerna
Professor of History at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in the U.S
Just as it was in France, England and Spain, the Jewish synagogues should be destroyed. Yet, Luther was not an anti-Semite from the beginning.
Dorothea Wendebourg
Professor of Reformation History at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany
Everyone who did bad things to Jews were Christian. They spoke awful things to Jews.
Paul Morris
Member of Operations Committee of Christian Witness to Israel
Luther's teachings and legacy profoundly influenced the Nazis Final solution.
Richard Harvey
Senior Researcher at All nations Christian College in England
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